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NEWS - Call Center Insights

The latest industry insights & news from CCSI, Specialists in Establishing Contact Centers in Mexico for Debt Collection, Customer Service, Sales, BPO and more.

call center needs and the benefits
New Center in Guadalajara: How CCSI is Expanding its Call Center Services in Mexico

New Center in Guadalajara: How CCSI is Expanding its Call Center Services in Mexico

Call Center Services International, a leading provider of Nearshore call center services, is proud to announce the opening of its new center in Guadalajara, Mexico. This expansion marks an exciting milestone for CCSI as it continues to grow its call centers in Mexico to help U.S. companies leverage the benefits of the country. The new center in Guadalajara is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and it is strategically located close to the International Airport and 5-star hotels.

Pros & Cons of Outsourcing Your Call Center Operation

Pros & Cons of Outsourcing Your Call Center Operation

If you're thinking about outsourcing your customer service center, there are several factors to consider before making a decision. Perhaps you're in the early stages of searching for a solution that will help you cut costs and improve capacity and performance. 

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Bridging Borders: United States Labor Attaché Visits Call Center Services International

Bridging Borders: United States Labor Attaché Visits Call Center Services International

Tijuana, Mexico, July 31st, 2023. - Jason Vorderstrasse, Labor Attaché from the United States Consulate, visited Call Center Services International's (CCSI) Otay Facilities in Tijuana, Mexico. The visit aimed to learn about CCSI's Nearshore Call Center model and witness firsthand the talent of their bilingual agents.

Exploring the Top Benefits of Nearshoring Your Call Center: Unlocking the Hidden Potential

Exploring the Top Benefits of Nearshoring Your Call Center: Unlocking the Hidden Potential

In today's fast-paced business world, companies constantly search for innovative ways to make their operations more efficient and gain a competitive advantage.
CCSI Joins HFMA to Enhance Healthcare Call Center Solutions

CCSI Joins HFMA to Enhance Healthcare Call Center Solutions

Call Center Services International is a Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) member. As a leading Nearshore Contact Center service provider, this membership reflects our commitment to delivering exceptional contact center solutions to the healthcare industry.

4 Ways A Nearshore Contact Center Increases Performance

4 Ways A Nearshore Contact Center Increases Performance

When we talk about Nearshore, many will mention its cost-saving advantage and the significant recruitment pool of call center agents, which are good things to consider for a contact center company. But, Did you know that Nearshore can improve your contact center performance?

Benefits of a Mexico Work-From-Home Call Center

Benefits of a Mexico Work-From-Home Call Center

Since the last two years, companies have continued to struggle getting their call center operation transitioned to a work from home environment, and having the right tools to be able to manage is key. We knew the transition to a WFH setting was needed, but we didn't expect to be forced to do it from one day to another.

The Importance of BPOs Information Security Practices

The Importance of BPOs Information Security Practices

The threat of cybercrime is an actual problem, and it can compromise the BPO’s info security if the right measures aren't taken. Cybersecurity is a crucial part of any business, especially when it comes to protecting sensitive information and customer data.