NEWS - Call Center Insights
The latest industry insights & news from CCSI, Specialists in Establishing Contact Centers in Mexico for Debt Collection, Customer Service, Sales, BPO and more.
The latest industry insights & news from CCSI, Specialists in Establishing Contact Centers in Mexico for Debt Collection, Customer Service, Sales, BPO and more.
Having good teamwork in a call center is fundamental because each agent is considered a part of something bigger - meaning that - if a team member is for some reason incorrectly performing duties, the whole call center team will be affected as a result.
In a call center, everyone is accountable for one another, and all contact center managers need to have well-developed team-building skills. It takes an experienced manager and a dedicated workforce to develop a productive teamwork environment to make it work.
It is well known that a strong leader creates a great team. A call center manager needs decision-making skills to keep the team working efficiently. The ideal manager must be very organized to address customer issues while making sure that employee issues are also dealt with. This person will have to maintain cohesiveness with the team and be able to facilitate good working relationships by creating strong bonds between agents.
Communication is for sure a key factor when it comes to building successful teamwork. When possible, have each of the call center managers bring their teams together to discuss customer issues, find potential solutions to common problems, and support each other in daily tasks. Encourage your team to always look for every possible way to make every meeting a productive reunion that helps everyone to be on the same page.
Dare yourself to delegate responsibilities to capable call center agents who have proven they can handle coaching to assist others when issues arise. This will help call center managers maintain an effective team, and it’ll help to make the team feel motivated and valuable. Don’t forget to always keep the door open for volunteer assistants; sometimes, those volunteers are the ones who have the most energy and desire to help others.
Most people feel more valued and motivated when rewarded for their good performance. But it is essential to reward team goals in front of individual goals – this is because when call center agents are mostly rewarded based on personal efficiency, there’s less chance to see actual teamwork. If each agent thinks about their exclusive workload and their priorities, they will have no consideration for others. A work culture that rewards teamwork over individual goals is essential for effective team building in a call center.
Ignoring or dismissing group members’ advice automatically kills teamwork and weakens employee confidence. When managing a call center team, it is crucial to listen thoughtfully to every agent’s feedback - encourage and publicly recognize every task and work effort. This show of respect will always be the ingredient to build up the teamwork you are looking for in your call center.
At Call Center Services International, we believe in teamwork, and we take pride in our agents for their excellent skills, motivated spirit, and performance-driven mindset. Our agents understand the importance of teamwork in delivering top-quality service and outstanding customer satisfaction from our nearshore contact center solution. Learn more about our world-class call center agents.