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The Real Value Of Nearshore Proximity For Contact Centers

Nearshore Proximity

Imagine having to wait until the next day for an answer to an urgent matter, traveling for 16 hours to get to a place or having to trust an important task to someone you barely know. When it comes to outsourcing, nearshore proximity really matters.

Proximity is what makes Nearshore a great solution for Contact Centers for several reasons, such as similar work schedules, more control of your operation, the cultural affinity of the call center agents and the management team, and lower indirect costs.

We invite you to discover the real value of proximity that a Nearshore Contact Center Service provides, here are some of the reasons:

Time Zone

A nearshore service has a similar time zone as yours. The difference could only be about 0-3 hours. This means your nearshore team will have the same or similar work schedules as your in-house team.

This will let you have efficient communication and flexibility, you can have periodically face-to-face meetings, get responses from your team rapidly, resolve problems, or adapt a project without delay. You can even improve the performance of your nearshore team, for example, you can monitor your operation in real time and offer feedback at the right moment.

Operational Control

The nearer your satellite office team is, the easier is to control, for several reasons. As mentioned above, you have similar work schedules, you can communicate in real time with your team, get immediate responses and you can get information on time to supervise how your team is performing.

Another advantage of proximity is that you can do periodical visits to your nearshore contact center to meet your team, train them, and see how they are working. Onsite visits are always fruitful.

Cultural Alignment

When your nearshore team is closer to your customers, they will have cultural alignment with them. They can relate to your customer’s beliefs, celebrations, even TV programs. Take for example Mexico and the United States: Mexico shares some traditions and events with the U.S., like Halloween, 5 de Mayo and the Super Bowl. This helps the agents build rapport with the customer, which is very helpful for persuasion and customer experience.

It is also convenient for the relationship between companies, because there is less room for miscommunication or misunderstandings. Both in-house and nearshore teams can build a better relationship and have more trust in each other, which is especially important in outsourcing.


Offshoring sometimes is cheaper than Nearshore, but remember that outsourcing always includes indirect costs. You need to consider the cost of establishing the connection with your outsourcer. You might need to send a trainer or manager to the center in order to train or supervise the agents. You will want to make some visits to the center to see if everything is working fine and you will have to endure long and expensive flights

With the proximity of a Nearshore Contact Center you will not only save on operational cost, but on indirect costs too.

One of the key advantages of Call Center Services International is our proximity to de United States. Our CCSI's Tijuana Centers are 10 minutes away from the San Diego border and you can take a 3-hour flight to our Mexico City Center from most major U.S. airports.

Our agents are bilingual and bicultural thanks to this proximity. You will have total control of your operation and you will always be welcome to make periodical visits to our centers if you need to.

Discover more about the advantages of a Nearshore Contact Center.